Welcome to Lachlan Valley United Physie Club Condoboin - Forbes, a nurturing place where children flourish, teens transform and ladies thrive. We are a welcoming community with passionate teachers who care about every member becoming the best they can be.

Lachlan Valley United Physie Club Condoboin - Forbes is affiliated with Bjelke-Petersen School of Physical Culture known as BJP. Our club is run by dedicated teachers who provide classes for all ages and abilities from pre-schoolers to ladies.

With no expensive costumes or recital fees, Physie is an affordable way to learn to dance and keep fit with a touch of glamour and a lot of fun!

Physie is a sport for life. Mothers, daughters, grand-daughters and grandmothers can all be members and share in this unique sport. Our club caters for all ages and abilities so Physie is an experience you can share right throughout your life.

Our club is passionate about nurturing students' total wellbeing, both mind and body. Physie is an accepting and encouraging team sport where every member is supported to set goals and work towards them.




The Condobolin Physical Culture Club was founded in 1976 by Christine Mortimer. Christine had moved to Condobolin from the central coast area and had been involved in Physie as young girl herself and had family still involved within a club at the coast. Christine was a mother of 3 girls and found very little dance opportunity for girls in the community. So a simple advertisement in the local paper asking if anyone would be interested in enrolling in a dance sport “Physical Culture” was the start of Condobolin Physical Culture Club Inc. The club officially registered with BJP in 1977 and became a part of the Physie phenomenon. 

The Condobolin Club continued to run long after Christine and her family left, with local members loving the dance sport and what it offered for girls within the country community. Many dedicated students and mums have volunteered their time over the years in many forms from teaching classes, running the administration side, fundraising money, organising competitions, community displays and much much more. 

In the Early 1990’s Miss Louise, who was already a constant figure and member of the club, started teaching and became an Associate with Condobolin Physie, in the late 1990’s Louise became the Senior Associate and Chair person of the club and has continued in this role until this day.

At the end of 2013 Louise saw an opportunity to expand the club when the existing Forbes club announced it would be folding at the end of the year. With many of our senior students leaving Condobolin for boarding school and many going to Forbes, the opportunity was there to extend and keep our student. So in 2014 Lachlan Valley Physie United was formed, and lessons have continued to run for both Condobolin and Forbes students.




Physie (pronounced 'fizzy'), is a sport for girls and women from 3 years and up which builds confidence, good posture, strength, fitness and fiexibiIity through exercise and dance.

The choreography is age appropriately designed to teach the relationship of music to movement, rhythm, co­ordination, balance and interpretation. Physie also improves memory, focus, teamwork and motor skills.

The syllabus, updated annually, is performed to modern music and includes standing and  floor exercises, aerobic warm-ups, jazz, hip hop, basic ballet and contemporary dance.

Members are taught a syllabus provided by our national organisation at weekly classes. All teachers at our club are trained by BJP. The Physie year culminates in a series of friendly competitions for both teams and individuals. These are not compulsory but they do foster a club spirit, a sense of belonging and club loyalty.

The Junior and Ladies National Finals are held at Quaycentre in Sydney Olympic Park. The prestigious Seniors Finals are held in the Concert Hall of the Sydney Opera House.






Miss Louise joined Condobolin Physical Culture club at the very young age of 2 years old. Her family was in the original group of mums and daughters who helped establish Physie in the Condobolin community over 40 years ago.

As a junior member of Condobolin Physical Culture club, Miss Louise competed as a member in many of our junior zone representative teams from 5 years to Senior, with great success across the years. Miss Louise was a member of our first ever winning team at Zone Level when she was just 7. Louise has been a club representative at all levels of Physie competitions from local, interclub, zone and national competitions. Her highest individual achievement is making the Semi Finals in champion lady over 40’s division.

Miss Louise started teaching preschoolers as a young junior member of the club when she was just 13 years old. From these early beginnings her love of Physie grew and Miss Louise became a registered associate teacher in 1991 and now teaches every age group from preschoolers to ladies. Condobolin had many associate teachers over the years and in the late 1990’s Louise became the head teacher and associate with Condobolin Physie which has been running our club for over 30 years. In 2004, Louise saved the closing BJP club in Forbes and now teaches a range of students from preschoolers to ladies in Forbes. Amalgamating the Condobolin and Forbes clubs under one banner, Lachlan Valley United was born.

As a level 3 accredited associate teacher with BJP Physie, Louise has experience in all aspects of Physie life from teaching, competing individually, within teams, judging and has been involved in the organisation and presentation of large group displays, locally and nationally with BJP.

Her love of Physie and dance has been continuous all her life and which has seen her involved in a number of dance groups and artistic organisations within our community and district over the years. Louise has also been involved in a number of BJP displays and events over the years. Louise was part of our associate team for the central western zone working extensively alongside her peers on the design and orchestration of the opening number of the 125 year BJP spectacular, including backstage with our members at the performance. This major event showcased Physie and how it has evolved over the past 125 years to an audience of over 3000 people.

Our club has experienced great success under Louise’s guidance. LVU has seen great success at Zone level, with multiple national representative in every age group yearly. Our ladies and senior teams have also had excellent success at national level on multiple occasions.




Maddison, has been a member of Lachlan Valley Physie since she was just 18 months old. Maddi was born into a Physie family so Physie has been a strong influential part of Maddi’s life for 18 Years. Maddison has also danced in the styles of ballet, jazz, modern, contemporary and Hip hop in club and competition levels for 8 years, only stopping to focus on her year 12 studies in 2018.

PHYSIE: Maddison has been a very successful junior member of our club, having been part of our junior zone teams since she was just 4 years old, and was part of our 1st ever Sydney representative teams in the 13/14 & 15/1st years age division. Her group success in teams is a credit to her strong leadership and commitment to her team members.

Individually Maddison was a junior Zone finalist at age 5 and received her 1st Junior Zone placing at the age of 7 consistently placing every year after for 8 years. This qualified Maddison to represent our club and zone at the BJP Junior national finals from age 7 to 14yrs. Maddison was one of our 1st ever member to compete at Homebush Sydney in the Senior champion girl division.

Maddison has also represented us and our Zone at a number of BJP organised displays and events, the most recent being the 125 year Spectacular held in 2017.

DANCE: Maddison has trained in Jazz, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Modern and Ballet for 8 years. During this time, she competed individually on the eisteddfod scene with great success and was also part of a local dance Troupe. One of her troupe highlights would be when they travelled to the USA with “World dance tours”, whilst there, they danced and attended workshops at Disney Land, Universal Studios and on Carnival Cruises.

TRAINING: Maddison has completed a number of dance skills workshops and dance exams: She has successfully completed the Junior assistant teacher 3 day intensive training with BJP, and Major 2 Ballet exams with RAD.

Maddison has been teaching with LVU since the age of 13 and has been a registered associate with BJP for 4 years.




Lily started with Lachlan Valley Physie at the age of 6 years old and hasn’t left us since. Lily has spent her entire life dancing and being part of our LVU Physie family. If you don’t know Miss Lily you soon will, she is a very active and important part of our LVU Physie family.

PHYSIE: Lily has been a successful competitor in both teams and champion girl over her 11 years of Physie. Lily was a national semi finalist in 2020 making it to the top 32 for her age devision in Australia and on numerous occasions had been a Zone finalist, qualifying into the top 6-15 competitors for her age division, she has also been an integral member of many of our Champion 1st place junior and senior teams. As a Open Senior champion girl, Lily has qualified into the top 32 (semi finalist) in 2020 in her age division. She brings with her to our teaching team a wealth of experience on the competition floor and fantastic dance and flexibility skills.

Lily has also represented us and our Zone at a number of BJP organised displays and events, the most recent being the 125 year Spectacular held in 2017.

DANCE: Lily has trained in dance in the styles of Ballet and Modern, and has successfully competed on the eisteddfod scene in Duo’s with Miss Ashleigh, their contemporary routine seeing them place 1st on many occasions.

TRAINING: Lily has completed a number of dance skills workshops and dance exams - She has successfully completed the Junior assistant teacher 3 day intensive training and Dance performance workshops with BJP.

Lily has been actively teaching with LVU for 10 years and is a registered Associate with BJP.




Ashleigh, has been a member of Lachlan Valley Physie since she was just 18months old. Ashleigh is the youngest daughter of our Senior associate Miss Louise, and has spent her entire life dancing and being part of our LVU Physie family.

PHYSIE: Ashleigh has been a very successful junior zone and Senior national representative. Qualifying as Zone finalist at the age of 5 and for over 8 years placing in the top 2 for her age division and qualifying as a Zone representative for Junior National championships 8 years running. In 2021 Ashleigh competed at Olympic Park Home Bush in the Senior champion girl national section, where she was the first ever of our senior girls to be selected to the Senior National Finals level. From over 100 competitors, Ash made it to the National top 15 and went on to compete at the ICC Darling harbour in the Senior National Championships, the most exclusive physie event possible. An amazing and prestigious achievement. Ash has also been an active member of many of our champion junior and senior champion teams at Zone and National levels.

Ashleigh has also represented us and our Zone at a number of BJP organised displays and events, the most recent being the 125 year Spectacular held in 2017.

DANCE: Ashleigh has also trained and successfully competed for over 10 years in both individual and troupe competitions on the eisteddfod circuit in the styles of Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Contemporary and Hip Hop. One of her troupe highlights would be when they travelled to the USA with “World dance tours”, whilst there they danced and attended workshops at Disney Land, Universal Studios and on Carnival Cruises. Ashleigh has also represented us and our Zone at a number of BJP organised displays and events.

TRAINING: Ashleigh has completed a number of dance skills workshops and dance exams - She has successfully completed the Junior assistant teacher 3 day intensive training with BJP, and Major 2 Ballet exams with RAD.

Ashleigh has been teaching with LVU since the age of 14 and is a registered Associate with BJP.

Ashleigh brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience in performance, flexibility training, dance, technique and team work.



The BJP syllabus consists of six routines performed to music, designed to teach dance skills and develop fitness, strength and flexibility. Every age group has its own routine and music with choreography designed to be achievable by all skill-levels.


Teaches good posture, body alignment, toe points, strength and stretch in the legs and body. 


A cardiac work out targeting correct positions, strength and control in aerobic dance. Fitness and stamina are improved. 


An exercise performed on the floor that develops flexibility, strength and control. 


A pretty routine involving basis classical ballet or contemporary moves teaching musicality, grace and turnout. 


A standing routine requiring balance, control, strength, accurate positions and flexibility. 


A modern jazz style dance that everyone loves to learn. It is performed to the latest music and teaches musicality & expression. The dance improves stamina, strength and presentation with a big smile!