CLASS LOCATION: Condobolin Tennis Club Hall 



Classes resume in February dates to be advised

Click on the button below to download the most recent timetable.

Please note that time tables are subject to change due to enrolments. Time tables will be confirmed once registration day has been held. Please only use them as a guide for now. Please note that there stretch classes are only for term 1 & 2. In term 3 these time slots will change to teams for selected age groups.


If your child is selected to represent our club at the team competitions, there may be some extra team practices closer to the competition. We will try to accommodate your requests and give you plenty of notice for these class times.

In August and September private lessons are offered to those who wish to get in a little extra practice before competitions. Schedules will be circulated to allow you to select lesson times with the teacher of your choice. Lessons are limited in number and our priority is to ensure that there is equity of access to these lessons.


Each year in June, BJP produces a professional video with all ages' syllabus for the year. This is an invaluable tool and we recommend you download the video and music files so that you can make the most of them to improve at home. These resources are FREE each year when you register with BJP.

We also encourage our students to stretch at home. Students are usually amazed at just how quickly their flexibility improves when they regularly do some stretching at home.



Students should attend class in LVU full uniform. We have a wide range of club merchandise available on our website and we have a range of second hand leotards and merchandise on our club page. Uniform is compulsory, loose clothing makes it difficult for the teacher to see and correct posture and technique.  

Hair must be up and neatly groomed for all Physie classes. Presentation is all part of dance.


Our club has  watermelon and black as club colours. Members are encouraged to support the club at competitions by wearing our club colours.

There are a number of items available for purchase from the club including: club jackets, shirts, singlets, t-shirts, crop tops, 3/4 tights, full length tights, and shorts.  Please visit our online shop to purchase your club uniform.



Lachlan Valley United Condobolin - Forbes is a registered provider for the Active Kids Voucher and the Creative Kids Voucher.

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Our class fees are password protected. Please contact Lachlan Valley Physie United Condobolin - Forbes for your password to access this page.